The Laramee Filter: pseudorandom thoughts, subsequently put on the Internet.

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Beginning with Old Robe Canyon and ending with the Hoapili Trail in Maui. There are 19 in total, most of which are in the Central Cascades.This year includes some photos of us walking on a frozen Mason Lake.
Many hikes in the Cascades this year, ending on the Pacific Crest Trail in deep snow. Included are some beautiful photos from Snowy Lakes, near Leavenworth, as well as my first ascent of Mt Dickerman.
Mt Pugh, Del Campo, Gothic Basin, and so many other great hikes. There are 28 in total. This was definitely a year during which I became really ambitious and summitted Mt Pilchuck and stumbled upon two rock climbers while hiking Gothic Basin who helped me summit Del Campo.
Mailbox Peak, Granite Mtn, Vesper Peak, Blanca Lake, Mount Dickermen, Pugh, Gothic Basin, Pilchuck, and Sourdough were all on the list this year and it was amazing, despite the season being delayed due to late snow.
Starting off this season by sneaking in a quick hike with an old friend. We're off to an auspicious start this season after a great hike to Vesper Peak. Also hit Del Campo, Mount Forgotten, and of course Mount Pugh.
Easing on into this season with a quick run up Mount Pilchuck. Hoping to work up to Mount Pugh, Del Campo, and Mount Forgotten.
Trail Runs
Trail runs, mostly in the North Bend area. These start modestly but 2020 was my first successful run to Rainy Lake, which is an incredibly ambitious trail run (stats).
Trail runs near Seattle, off of I-90 and in North Bend. I think my favorite was the winter run to Thompson Lake, though the run to Pratt Lake was awesome too. I had my first black bear encounter in 2021 (stats).
More trail runs, most of them under fairly adversarial conditions, given how much snow fell both in winter and into May. So far I'm pretty disappointed but by the end of the year it turned out to be a pretty decent year overall as I powered through to Rainy Lake, Mt Defiance, and Island Lake (stats).
This year is turning out great. It began with a run on Jan 1st. I'm pleasantly surprised that I can even find a place to run (North Bend is only partially buried under snow, which is helping). I've run Mount Defiance a couple of times, Thompson Lake, Marten Lake, Beckler Peak and Pratt Lake (stats).
This year may end up being aka The Year of Pain, as I injured myself on a run on 1/01 and it's been difficult to rehab this. I'm working within the constraints placed upon me by my body, if that makes sense (and doing the best I can). (stats).
Optimistically hoping for a return to full recovery this year. Things seem to be trending in the right direction for sure, but some parts of the puzzle remain unsolved. (stats).