Just about this time, exactly two years ago, Darrell Cavens sat on my kitchen floor with his laptop as we launched zulily.com.
This was after a relatively frantic few months in which we (a) built a quick site to start aggregating an email list (which ended up collecting a handful of 10s of thousands of email addresses) (b) hired a small (but mighty) team (c) found a domain name (way trickier than it seems) and (d) customized and installed a behemoth, labyrinthian, recondite CMS to get started with a single product.
(Nice job Darrell!)
We spent the next 4-5 hours finding, and fixing, bugs.
I tried to get Darrell to drink some alcohol to prevent the aforementioned multi-hour-debug session (which I knew was coming) ... and while he did have a glass of Baileys, my overall plan was a total failure.
Initially, I thought we could run the whole site of a pair of VPSs ... in hindsight: maybe not so much.
Here are a couple of very early screenshots, for the historical record: